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Results for "Martin Luther King Jr."
The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr. 120 quotations from the great civil rights leader's speeches, sermons, and writings.
Brothers in the Beloved Community Biography of a special friendship that shows us the importance of creating Beloved Community.
Boundless Heart An explanation of how a compassionate life is a fearless life requiring courage.
The Death of Satan An exquisitely written meditation on evil.
The Pursuit of American Character An inventive contribution to American Studies books
The Living Wisdom of Howard Thurman Seven hours of the Christian theologian Howard Thurman's broadcasts, sermons, and prayers.
They Will Inherit the Earth A creative vision of nonviolence and environmental renewal.
A Passion for Life A salute to 30 saints who have challenged us to incarnate the imperatives of justice and compassionate service.
Soul Force A way of life that unleashes power for positive change.
The Rich and the Rest of Us A challenge to change America's dialogue on race and justice to include concern for the poor.