• Heart: Gail Godwin tutors us in the spiritual practice of kindness. With grace and flair, she takes us on a royal tour of ideas, stories, and anecdotes about the heart.
  • The Community of Kindness: Random Acts of Kindness editors share brief stories about those who have received or witnessed acts of kindness.
  • The Kindness of Children: Vivian Gussin Paley recounts the many acts of kindness by children she's seen in her kindergarten classrooms.
  • God Said Amen: Sandy Eisenberg Sasso salutes the generous heart and the wonders it engenders.
  • The Nature of Generosity: William Kittredge pays homage to generosity as a virtue that needs to be practiced on a regular basis in a world of selfishness, separation, and the soul-sickness of consumerism.
  • The Giving Heart: M. J. Ryan writes about generosity as "the mother of kindness" noting that giving and serving others is its own reward.
  • How We Behave at the Feast: Dwight Currie honors the broad range of small acts of kindness that we know as old-fashioned manners.
  • Say Please, Say Thank You: Donald McCullough presents little acts of courtesy as an antidote to the incivility of our times.
  • Simple Confucianism: C. Alexander and Annellen Simpkins explore the Confucian path of civic responsibility, familial obligations, and courtesy.
  • Bread Upon the Waters: Peter Reinhart, a chef and an Eastern Orthodox lay brother, proclaims that divinization is manifested in our lives through courtesy.
  • Minyan: Rabbi Rami M. Shapiro's names generosity and kindness as two of ten principles for living a life of integrity.

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