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Results for "keyword: "A Celebration of Rumi", latest_content: 1"
Prayer Seeds A to-be-treasured resource of prayers that serve as seeds of new life.
Joy in Every Moment A celebration of joy packed with quotes, exercises, and practices.
Life-Cycle Ceremonies A top-drawer collection of ceremonies to mark the private and public dimensions of our lives.
Bulldozer's Big Day A charming story about having big expectations.
Birthday Rules Suggestions for ways to celebrate birthdays.
Toasts A delightful and user-friendly resource.
Rediscovering Reverence Ralph Heintzman on the many different expressions of reverence
A Book of Uncommon Prayer Spunky, lyrical, and snappy informal prayers by one of the most imaginative souls in Christendom.
I Feel Five! Touching story about a little boy's disappointment that fifth birthday doesn't seem to bring any genuine change into his life.
This Day in June A children's book that salutes the enthusiasm and pride of members of the GLBT community as they march together in a parade.