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Results for "content_type: "Teaching Story/Scene""
Spiritual Literacy Mary Ann Brussat's reflection on the wisdom of Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum regarding present day Holocausts.
Communion, Community, Commonweal A teaching scene of responding to the tears of a loved one and of the world with love and compassion.
Uncommon Decency A teaching story about seeing other human beings as God sees them.
Finding the Blue Sky A teaching story about the benefits of meditation.
Two Dogs and a Parrot An important lesson about acceptance from Danny the puppy.
Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better Life advice from Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche in conversation with Pema Chodron on dealing with the waves that knock you down.
Christ All Merciful Learn to kneel and you will see God face-to-face
Natural Meditation A teaching story about singing only for God.
Just Grab The Dust Rag Brenda Shoshanna on a practice that teaches how a giver and a receiver become one.
Don't Worry, Be Grumpy A story by Ajahn Brahm on how happiness is always within reach.