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Results for "content_type: "Elder Spirituality Project""
Churchill An engaging look at Winston Churchill's inner struggle in old age as he faces his diminished powers and his vulnerability.
The Hero A portrait of an old actor facing his mortality, flaws, heartbreak, and regrets.
Things to Come A touching portrait of a resilient woman facing multiple challenges as she ages.
My Love, Don't Cross That River An emotionally jubilant celebration of marital love.
Dough A dramedy about a friendship that surprises an elder Orthodox Jewish baker and his employee, a young African Muslim.
The Professor: Tai Chi's Journey West An up-close and personal portrait of a Tai Chi master, honed by decades of experience, at work with his students.
Grandma A character-driven comedy about a transition point in an elder's life where she is forced to look at all her relationships.
The Intern A pleasant dramedy about work and a cross-generational friendship.
A Walk in the Woods A delightful chance to savor the acting skills of veteran film stars Robert Redford and Nick Nolte.
Mr. Holmes One last case for the elderly detective that convinces him to cherish the mysteries of his existence.