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Abraham Joshua Heschel in The Jewish Lights Spirituality Handbook We must continue to remind ourselves
Doing What You Love Stop feeling guilty for doing what you enjoy.
Listen with Your Whole Being Counsel on listening to a friend who is struggling.
Why Are You Overwhelmed? Accepting your humanity and asking for what you need.
Life Is One Continuous Mistake Accepting your failings.
Love and Kindness A 10-minute self-compassion practice.
For Boundaries in Our Empathy A prayer by Cole Arthur Riley for times when we are overwhelmed.
True Self Worth – Role Reflection Inspiration to consider what roles in your life are no longer serving you and may be blocking you from a path where you can thrive.
Dred Scott's Case for Freedom (PDP) Remembering Dred Scott's quest for freedom and its reverberations over centuries.
True Self-Worth – A Place to Just Be A practice to assess one's boundaries and foster a sense of one's own inherent value as a human being.