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Results for "keyword: %22intention%22"
Serenity Prayers A poem by Zoraida Rivera Morales about wonder.
Wilderness Time Emilie Griffin on using prayer box contents to remember to pray.
The Karma of Love Geshe Michael Roche on answering with grace all the questions that people have for you.
Mindfulness for Everyday Living Christopher Titmuss on the virtues of the spiritual practice of attention with a special focus on the importance of our intentions.
It's Not The End of the World Joan Borysenko's personal vision statement.
Your Deepest Intent 43 messages from God about intention, possibility consciousness, creativity, calling, forgiveness and much more.
Wise Choices Spiritual advice for those seeking to make wise choices in daily life.
To Be and How to Be Peggy Rubin on keeping your primary verb in the back of your mind at all times.
Out of Darkness Into Light Jamal Rahman's instructions in four Sufi heart practices – Sacred Naming, Sacred Light, and Gazing Upon the Heart, and Adoring the Heart.
Good Karma A rounded and edifying survey of karma and its role in our lives and our world.