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Results for "tradition: "Buddhism""
The Long Marriage of Mindfulness and Money According to JWT Worldwide, one of the world's largest marketing communications companies, mindfulness is one of the top trends that has shaped the world in 2014. In its February 3, 2004 issue, Time…
Imagination is Never a Sin By Po-Ting (Duke) Lin My great-grandmother used to tell me, “Imagination is the true eyes of one’s mindset.” She often claimed, in a matter-of-fact tone, that this was the sole rule she fo…
Yellow: The Feeling of Mindfulness By Olivia Bailey for KidSpirit's Happiness issue. It’s Thursday, the best day of the week, no question. Thursday is the day my mindfulness group meets, which means that at 11:15 a.m. I get to l…
Five Ways to Make It Easier for Men to Channel Empathy and Compassion Men and boys are responsible for most of the violence in the United States, and many educators, politicians, and spiritual leaders are hoping that something can be done to lessen this dangerous form…
A Lesson from Cesar Chavez on Vegetarianism On his blog Dharma Roundup, Victor M. Parachin (Eastern Wisdom for Western Minds, Swami Vivekananda: Essential Writings) salutes Cesar Chavez as not only a labor activist but also as an outspoken ac…
A Prayer for the Fearless Protesters in Tibet Over the past year, 30 young Tibetans have committed self-immolation as a form of self-sacrifice to draw attention to the relentless oppression by the Chinese in their homeland. On March 26, 2012, a…
A Buddhist Theory of Language By Sharon Lin in the KidSpirit The Word issue. I knelt on the silken scarf laid across the hardwood floor, my head bent in silent prayer to the spirits of my ancestors. I heard muffled sounds of …
Happy Anniversary to the Thurmans Having just celebrated 48 years of marriage with Mary Ann, I was delighted to see Penelope Green's article in The New York Times about the fifty-year marriage of Buddhist scholar and activist Robert…
Celebrating the Dalai Lama's Birthday July 6, 1915. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is 80 today. He is the political and spiritual leader of the Tibetan people, a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and teacher of nonviolence, and a convener of mult…
An Unexpected Path to Heroism By Sharon Lin for KidSpirit’s issue on The Heroic Spirit. Interfaith Connections is a column for teens to dialogue about how their faith or wisdom tradition influences their view of life’s bi…