Ways of practicing Openness include respecting differences, cross-cultural experiences, travel, and the specific spiritual practices below.

Accepting Tomorrow As It Comes by Arthur Green explains an exercise to help us be open to our future.

Beginner’s Mind by Allan Lokos illuminates the benefits of releasing what you know and taking it in anew.

Beyond Dualism by Deborah Tannen offers a way to see all sides of an issue.

Buy Something Strange to You by Tom Cowan suggests a simple way to open to other cultures.

Compassion Versus Pity by Jean Smith deepens the awareness and heartfulness of our response to the pain of others.

Dialogue Preparation by Isaura Barrera and Lucinda Kramer teaches us how to respond to difference in others.

Dignity on the Corner by Habib Todd Boerger shares insight into putting our best foot forward when interacting with strangers.

Exploring Other by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat gives us ideas for expanding our appreciation of other heritages.

Generosity to an Adversary by Lewis Richmond touts the benefits of seeing, hearing, and acting with openheartedness in relation to our adversaries.

Let Everyone Be Right by Brenda Shoshanna recommends that we give others who differ from us a turn being right.

Open and Feel by David Deida reveals how opening our hearts to others changes everything.

Open to Others by Habib Todd Boerger shares Rebecca Shafir’s practices for engaging viewpoints and people with whom we differ.

Opening Our Heart by Pir Elias Amidon introduces a three-movement practice for uncovering our openheartedness.

Opening to the Opposing View by Rebecca Z. Shafir suggests we “try on” opposing views with a friend.

Say Hello to Everyone You See by Alan Epstein encourages openness to all people through greeting everyone you see, preferably with a smile.

Steps to Ending Our Prejudices by Christopher Titmuss inspires genuine resolve not to put others down.

The Whole Wide World by Karen M. Jones recommends practices we can do to open ourselves to serve others.

Unique by an unknown author shares a Hasidic saying about opening to and honoring our uniqueness.

Unlocking with a Key by Drew Leder encourages the use of imagination and intuition to open to what might be.

More Spiritual Practices about Openness