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Results for "keyword: %22solitude%22"
Birthday of Thomas Merton (PDP) A tribute to the Trappist monk, social activist, pioneer in interreligious dialogue, and bestselling author.
Practice for Spiritual Growth Jeremy Langford's practice of solitude for a devotional life.
Set Aside a Day of Solitude A spiritual exercise to help you explore the moods and meanings of winter.
Self-Seclusion Sitting with God.
The Luxury of Solitude Planning for a difficult week.
Moving Beyond Loneliness The difference between loneliness and being alone.
Isaac Luria Day Help to repair the world by raising divine sparks as recommended by this Jewish mystic.
Houses of Memory Letting imagination flourish.
Dance Your Gratitude Feeling the movements of your body.
Lighting a Candle as a Prayer Noticing the steadiness and strength a lit candle provides.