New Film Releases

Ordinary Angels An inspiring true story about a woman who practices two kinds of charity. Kindness
The American Buffalo A two-part, four-hour series on the journey of the American buffalo. Reverence
Driving Madeleine An emotional French film about sharing stories, deep listening, and a transformative friendship. Kindness
Perfect Days Two weeks in the life of a cleaner of public toilets in Tokyo with a luminous performance by Koji Yakusho as an exemplar of everyday spirituality. Being Present
American Symphony A love story about how the creative process creates both music and healing. Love
20 Days in Mariupol Courageous reporting of the horrors of the Russian invasion of Ukraine by journalists on the ground as a city is destroyed. Compassion
The Teacher's Lounge Portrait of a school in crisis that mirrors clashes in the larger society between authorities in power and those accused of wrongdoing. Teachers
The Monk and the Gun An insightful film about how Bhutanese villagers respond to changes coming through the influence of the West. Peace
Origin The origin story of how and why author Isabel Wilkinson researched her book Caste. Connections
The Boy and the Heron A boy’s spiritual journey through grief to commitment, conveyed through wonder-inducing animation. Questing
The Color Purple A new musical version of the classic story of a Black woman discovering the strength in a community of women. Transformation
Freud's Last Session An imagined conversation between the renowned psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud and the Christian apologist C. S. Lewis. Meaning
Rustin An inspiring biopicture of the civil rights leader who organized the March on Washington. Justice
American Fiction A satire with heart challenging the stereotypes and narrative tropes in Black fiction. Transformation
Fallen Leaves A heartfelt romantic drama about two lonely people with the courage to fall in love. Love
Anatomy of a Fall Courtroom drama that raises questions about the stresses of a marriage. Justice
Werner Herzog: Radical Dreamer A creative portrait of a lover of Mystery. X-The Mystery
The Taste of Things A love story revolving around the awe cooks bring to the preparation of food. Attention
Albert Brooks: Defending My Life A documentary guaranteed to make you laugh about one of the greatest comedians of our time. Play
Rose A road trip during which we meet a schizophrenic character and learn to see beyond stigma. Love
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