Arts Reviews

The Illustrated Rumi An exquisitely designed volume that showcases the poems and teaching tales of Rumi. Yearning
Susan Seddon Boulet A stunningly beautiful volume of shamanic art and much more. Wonder
Coloring Mandalas An exploration of how these circular forms can be pathways to personal growth and creativity. Transformation
Brush Meditation An exploration of the close connection between art, meditation, and self-mastery. Transformation
At Eternity's Gate A fascinating biography of Vincent van Gogh. Vision
Wisdom from the Earth A compendium of contemporary Aboriginal art and talks with elders about the Dreamtime. Reverence
The Art of Mulan A primer on the movie that promotes cross-cultural learning. Openness
Sensing Beauty Guidance for a rapprochement between the visual arts and the church. Beauty
Marry Your Muse An innovative, soulful, and practical course for those who want to creatively express themselves. Imagination
An Artist's Book of Inspiration Distilled wisdom of many geniuses. Imagination
Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh A rounded and authoritative survey of Eastern Orthodox spirituality where art and imagination have s… Imagination
The Mystery of Love An enlightened commentary on the sacred meaning of 39 creations. Listening
Under the Starry Night Reflections on Vincent Van Gogh's painting as a launchpad for a journey into the soul. Questing
Liturgy and the Arts A good primer on a salutary alliance that far too often is underemphasized in Christian circles. Devotion
The Illustrated Jesus Through the Centuries A survey of different ways that successive cultures have appropriated the man from Nazareth for thei… Meaning
The Tao of the Cross, The Oxherding Parable, and the… Reflections on what Christian mystics call the Christ within and Buddhists call your Original Face. Meaning
Sister Wendy's Book of Meditations Perceptive reflections on the spiritual dimensions of art. Joy
Creating an Imaginative Life A beautifully written and compelling spiritual autobiography of a pianist and composer. Imagination
Zen Seeing, Zen Drawing A presentation of the world-renowned artist's philosophy and approach to creativity. Imagination
The Living Cathedral of St. John the Divine A succinct and edifying portrait of the art, architecture, and outreach of this legendary institutio… Devotion