New Film Releases

Olive Kitteridge A caustic, angry and disappointed married woman challenges us to appreciate difficult people in our lives, seeing them as spiritual teachers. Teachers
Downton Abbey: Season 5 A fifth season of the drama with the familiar themes of adaptation to the modern world and dealing with the many shades of love. Love
Downton Abbey: Season 4 Another season of making choices between going forward or retreating to the past by the upstairs family and downstairs staff in a 1920s British estate. Questing
Downton Abbey: Season 3 Unwelcome surprises and unexpected developments in the third season of the British drama set in 1920. Love
Death Comes to Pemberley A devilishly good whodunit by P. D. James that is a sequel to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Love
Years of Living Dangerously: The Complete Series An Emmy Award-winning documentary series on the multifaceted consequences of climate change. Shadow
The Normal Heart A riveting drama about the early AIDS crisis and the struggle of a gay writer fighting the indifference of so many people to this epidemic. Compassion
Rev. Why we are spending hours watching a BBC comedy series about a Reverend Faith
Global Spirit - Stories to Remember An exploration with host Phil Cousineau of the lives of two people who have made storytelling their central focus. Imagination
Global Spirit - The Search for God A philosopher and a Sufi teacher ponder God’s ineffable nature and other mysteries. X-The Mystery
Global Spirit - Sacred Ecology Phil Cousineau interviewing Joanna Macy and Michael Tobias on ecology and the spiritual challenge to save the planet. Reverence
Global Spirit - The Art of Living and Dying Two sensitive and seasoned caregivers discuss the human dimension of dying and the preciousness of this transition. Compassion
Global Spirit - Rumi and the Sufi Path of Love An exploration of the Sufi mystic's spiritual legacy. Love
Global Spirit - The Interspiritual Dialogue with Fat… An opportunity to see how interspiritual dialogue works as practitioners from a variety of religious traditions gather. Connections
Call the Midwife An astonishingly heart-affecting BBC series about midwives in England during the 1950s who model for us what it means to do it all for love Love
Downton Abbey: Season 1 The characters and the changes they face in the first season of the popular television series. Transformation
Downton Abbey: Season 2 World War I, the Spanish flu, and more challenges as the characters in the popular series experience their various dark nights of the soul. Transformation
Joan of Arcadia All 23 episodes from the first season of the Emmy-nominated television series that are filled with bits of wisdom and surprising epiphanies. Faith
Global Spirit - Oneness: The Big Picture An exploration of the complex subject of "oneness" by scientists and spiritual seekers. Unity
Global Spirit - Sound of the Soul A lively celebration of spirituality, sacred music, and international solidarity in this coverage of the 2004 Fez Festival. Devotion
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