Book Reviews

Practice Makes Perfect Presents his teachings on a simple and meaningful life of intention and service of others. Being Present
Living As If Life Mattered Talks about living with mystery, the importance of spiritual mentors, and working women. Meaning
Soul Mates Six relationship experts explore the emotional and spiritual rewards of relating to a soul mate or to a friend. Love
Pebbles and Pearls Presents his experience of meditation at the San Francisco Zen Center. Being Present
Transforming Grief A psychotherapist shares ways in which grief deepens us and opens our hearts to the preciousness of life. Imagination
Working with Emotional Intelligence Shows how emotional competencies come in very handy at work. Zeal
Spiritual Literacy An audio abridgement of the 1996 book with readings of excerpts to illustrate each practice in the Alphabet of Spiritual Literacy from attention to zeal. Listening
The Seven Laws of Money Cogent ideas on the psychological, financial and spiritual issues surrounding money. Justice
Recipes for Sustainability Discusses the spiritual practice of restraint and the meaning of freedom in our times. Justice
The Soul of America with Jacob Needleman The Soul of America with Jacob Needleman challenges us to ponder the spiritual meanings of our nation and its founding principles. Meaning
Words I Wish I Wrote Quotations and aha! passages that have stirred the author's soul and imagination. Teachers
The Best of NPR Imaginative takes on creativity as an aspect of personality and playfulness. Imagination
The Voice of Hope Excerpts from an interview with the woman many call Burma's Saint Joan and a female bodhissatva. Compassion
Emotional Genius Challenges us to reframe our emotions and see them as practical tools that can enrich and enhance our relationships, work and personal search for meaning. You
Spiritual Gardening Examines five attitude changes which result from spiritual gardening where communication, connection and communion are present. Connections
Spiritual Ecology Talks about learning from indigneous peoples, their rituals, and their spiritual ecology. Justice
Wisdom from West Africa Covers marriage, community and meaning in a small West African village. Meaning
Change Your Mind/Change the World Discusses practices for conscious living including making the most of intuition. Shadow
Thinking Like a River Presents his ecological philosophy of conservation, preservation and restoration. Reverence
The Meal Meditation (CD) The Meal Meditation, an audio recording by Deborah Kesten, helps you become empowered to experience food as the symphonic masterpiece that it is. Nurturing