New Film Releases

Being in the World A bright and thought-provoking examination of philosophy and the authenticity of those who have passionately immersed themselves in life. Meaning
Yogawoman An explanation of the global phenomenon of yoga in the lives of women. Nurturing
Dharma River Visually stunning documentary about the importance of sacred sites in Buddhism. Devotion
Meinrad Craighead: Praying with Images A documentary celebrating the creativity and mysticism of Meinrad Craighead. Imagination
NOVA scienceNow: Can We Make It to Mars? An examination of space suits, foods, and rockets needed for a two-to-three-year journey to Mars. Questing
NOVA scienceNow: How Smart Are Animals? A report on animal intelligence covering dogs, dolphins, octopuses, and more. Play
NOVA scienceNOW: Can We Live Forever? New Technology… Thought-provoking material on custom-made body parts, the discovery of a longevity gene, and passing on your wisdom after you've died. Transformation
NOVA scienceNOW: What's the Next Big Thing? Robots, small cars, electricity, earthquake detection, and a pioneer in synthetic biology. Transformation
NOVA scienceNOW: Where Did We Come From? Scientific projects that probe the many mysteries of evolution. Questing
NOVA scienceNOW: How Does the Brain Work? Reports on the study of magic, artificial intelligence, and magnetic mind control. Questing
Lord, Save Us from Your Followers A documentary by an Evangelical Christian on the futility and divisiveness of the culture wars. Listening
Oh My God? A gorgeously filmed documentary that takes us to 23 countries and conveys the diverse paths to God in the world's major religions. Devotion
Examined Life An unusual and compelling documentary featuring eight thinkers musing on philosophical matters as they walk in various creative places. Meaning
Enlighten Up! A Skeptic's Journey into...Yoga A thought-provoking documentary that provides an up-close and personal look at the quest for spiritual meaning in yoga. Transformation
Albert Schweitzer: Called to Africa An inspiring tribute to an extraordinary humanitarian and his vision of reverence for all life. Reverence
Bird by Bird with Annie An entertaining and enlightening documentary that showcases the charisma, the courage, and the creativity of spiritual writer Anne Lamott. Imagination
A Jihad for Love A poignant and sobering depiction of the struggle of gay Muslims in 12 countries to reconcile their sexual orientation with their faith. Openness
Blindsight An extraordinary documentary about the spiritual lessons learned by six blind Tibetan youth on a grueling Himalayan mountain climb with Erik Weihenmayer. Questing
How to Cook Your Life A playful and enlightening documentary featuring Zen master and accomplished cook Edward Espe Brown with nourishing tips on food and paying attention. Play
The Power of Forgiveness A moving and multileveled examination of the religious, spiritual, and scientific values of forgiveness. Forgiveness
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