New Film Releases

Jose A moving meditation on queer coming-of-age in an unaccepting environment. Love
La Llorona A ghost story with an urgent political message. Shadow
The Salt of Tears Chronicle of a man and three different women who discover the disappointments, heartbreaks, and surprises in romantic relationships. Love
Fire Will Come (O Que Arde) A mesmerizing film set in Spain in which trees play a major role. X-The Mystery
Alone with Her Dreams (Picciridda - Con i piedi nell… A well-wrought and memorable coming-of-age drama. You
The Woman Who Ran The uses of conversation revealed in three visits to old friends. You
The Disciple Touching portrait of an aspiring singer of Indian classical music and his journey to master his art. Yearning
The August Virgin A Rohmer-esque drama set in Madrid about a young woman's quest for a new way of living and meaningful relationships. Questing
Out Stealing Horses (Ut og Stjæle Hester) An enigmatic meditation on memory. Meaning
The Tobacconist Story of a boy whose coming-of-age includes becoming friends with Sigmund Freud. You
The Truth A subtle exploration of art, artificiality, and complicated interpersonal dynamics. Love
Asia Touching drama about the unusual directions love takes in a mother-daughter relationship. Love
Martin Eden A young man's adventuresome quest to become a successful writer. You
Our Mothers (Nuestras Madres) A moving story about a compassionate young man investigating the impact of genocide in his country. Compassion
A White, White Day A powerfully realized psychological drama about grief and other imponderables. X-The Mystery
Someone, Somewhere (Deux moi) An enchanting French romantic drama about synchronicity. Connections
Vitalina Varela A haunting meditation on loss and regret. Yearning
By the Grace of God (Grace a Dieu) An intimate chronicle of abuse, justice, and communal healing. Justice
Young Ahmed (Le Jeune Ahmed) An intense and sobering portrait of both sides of the spiritual practice of zeal. Zeal
Corpus Christi (Boze cialo) A parabolic film that becomes a fiery interrogation of the limits of communal and individual transformation. Faith
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