A Different Kind of Luxury Profiles of eleven men and women who have discovered ways to live simple, creative, fulfilled, and contented lives in rural Japan.
A Life of Being, Having, and Doing Enough A rich and rewarding spiritual advocacy of a life of enough characterized by living in the moment, simplicity, sufficiency, and gratitude.
A New Kind of Christianity A bold and imaginative set of questions that show the way into a hopeful and holy future for seekers of all stripes attracted to a new kind of Christianity.
Awakening the Kind Heart A substantive and practical overview of the spiritual practice of compassion.
Becoming Animal How using our animal senses connects us to the Earth.
Beyond Happiness A thoughtful and practical Zen approach to happiness and the holy grail of contentment.
Care of the Soul in Medicine A timely and creative work on enriching and deepening the healing arts and transforming the work of doctors, nurses, and patients through soul and spirituality.
Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies A sobering and timely wake-up call on ways to restore and revive our worn-out, polluted, and distorted language resources.
Chants of a Lifetime A fascinating and heartfelt collection of stories, teachings and commentary by the man who has been called the chant master of American yoga.
Cognitive Surplus A visionary and incisive work on the online sharing and caring going on thanks to more time, energy and creativity.
David Steindl-Rast A sampler of writings from and a tribute to the Benedictine monk whose passion for life and multidimensional interests are astonishing.
Dear Primo Letters between two cousin who have never met reveal all they have in common even though one lives in an American city and the other on a Mexican farm. For Children
Every Day, Holy Day Teachings and practices from the Jewish path of Mussar leading to holiness and wholeness.
Fearless A timely book on dealing with fear and practicing love on the path to peace of mind.
First Invite Love In Forty guided visualizations from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition designed to nurture compassion in our hearts.
Future Tense A masterful work on the mission of Jews and Judaism in this century.
Hand Wash Cold A lyrically written meditation on everyday spirituality from a Zen priest, errant wife, delinquent mother, and expert laundress.
Heart Yoga A masterwork that fuses together yoga practice and mystical meditation in a sacred unity that serves as a spur to sacred activism.
How to Be Sick An eloquent and compelling account of chronic illness and the spiritual practices which can be used to deal with it.
Immi's Gift A magical children's picture book about the spiritual practice of keeping the gift moving. For Children
In Pursuit of Silence An exquisitely written and enlightening defense of silence in an increasingly noisy world.
Just Because Fifty-seven prayer-poems on the presence of God in everyday life.
Laugh Your Way to Grace A helpful and hopeful book on the importance of humor and laughter in spiritual life.
Made for Goodness How honoring the goodness of all human beings can transform our views of ourselves, others, and the world.
Mala of the Heart A top-drawer collection of sacred poetry to stir the soul and take you to new realms of being.
Mandela's Way Presents 15 core qualities of Nelson Mandela's character and leadership abilities.
Nine Lives Creative portraits of nine religious men and women in contemporary India who are pursuing alternative paths, far from the engines of progress and development.
Notes from the Edge Times Hard-hitting essays criticizing contemporary culture and offering new ways of transforming the nation and its roll toward self-destruction.
Patience A celebration of the riches that can be discovered when we practice patience in all arenas of our lives.
Pebbles of Wisdom from Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Wisdom from Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz's last 30 years of writings, lectures, and interviews on God, seeking, Torah, the trials of life, and more.
Perseverance Explores the spiritual value and many meanings of perseverance.
Pocket Peace A wonderful collection of spiritual practices to do in everyday life modeled and inspired by Buddhist principles.
Psyche & the City Essays describing the individual psyches and souls of some of the world's greatest cities.
Teaching Spirits An examination of the spiritual themes that animate Native American cultures and communities.
The Animal Manifesto A passionate and convincing description of the plight of animals and why we need to treat them with more compassion.
The Art of Peace Keen insights into the human adventure by the founder of Aikido, the nonviolent martial art.
The Big Book of Christian Mysticism A remarkable overview of the riches, wisdom, paradoxes, practices, and major figures in Christian mysticism.
The Buddha Is Still Teaching A top-drawer collection of Buddhist wisdom and teachings from 75 contemporary writers.
The Forgiveness Solution An impressive and multidimensional collection of exercises and practices to nurture forgiveness in us.
The Hidden Power of the Gospels Fresh, creative, and profound interpretations and insights into the four Gospels and spiritual practices to go along with them.
The Ink Garden of Brother Theophane A young monk in an Irish monastery during the Middle Ages models reverence for nature and love of beauty. For Children
The Mindfulness Code 44 mindfulness exercises to serve as antidotes to the stress and speed of our overstimulated and always-connected lives.
The Narcissism Epidemic An important and incisive work of feisty cultural criticism.
The Notre Dame Book of Prayer An illustrious collection of prayers on a variety of topics.
The Story of Stuff A comprehensive and accessible critique of our model of economic growth and how we can transform our society to one of more sustainability and social equity.
The World Is Made of Stories A rich and thought-provoking work which delves into the formative and significant role of stories in our lives.
This Is Getting Old An enlightening collection of essays on the challenges of conscious aging from a Zen Buddhist perspective.
Toward a True Kinship of Faiths Affirms the strong points of the world's major religions and chooses compassion as the spiritual practice they all revere.
Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire Shows many ways the four elements can draw us closer to the natural world, God, and a richer prayer life.
What Will You Be, Sara Mee? A cross-cultural gem that presents a Korean ritual designed for one-year-old children to predict the vocational path they will take. For Children